2017. 4. 3. 16:00
테이블 재생성 또는 대량 데이터 INSERT 시 REDO LOG 발생 여부에 대한 내용
단순히 NOLOGGING 모드이면 로그가 안찬다고 생각했는데
착각하고 있었던 부분이네요.
출처: http://ukja.tistory.com/333 [오라클 성능 문제에 대한 통찰 - 조동욱]
출처: http://ukja.tistory.com/333 [오라클 성능 문제에 대한 통찰 - 조동욱]
출처: http://ukja.tistory.com/333 [오라클 성능 문제에 대한 통찰 - 조동욱]
출처: http://ukja.tistory.com/333 [오라클 성능 문제에 대한 통찰 - 조동욱]
의외로 많은 분들이 아직도 Direct Path Insert(INSERT /*+ APPEND */ ... 포함)와 Redo 생성량간의 관계에 대해서 헷갈려하시는 것 같습니다.
Direct Path Insert에서 Redo 생성량에 영향을 주는 기본적인 요소는 다음과 같습니다.
- 데이터베이스가 ARCHIVELOG 모드인가, NOARCHIVE LOG 모드인가?
- 테이블이 LOGGING 모드인가, NOLOGGING 모드인가?
- 테이블에 인덱스가 존재하는가?
set echo on set pages 10000 set lines 200 set timing off set trimspool on set serveroutput off drop table t_log_no_idx purge; drop table t_log_with_idx purge; drop table t_nolog_no_idx purge; drop table t_nolog_with_idx purge; create table t_log_no_idx (c1 char(100)) logging; create table t_log_with_idx (c1 char(100)) logging; create table t_nolog_no_idx (c1 char(100)) nologging; create table t_nolog_with_idx (c1 char(100)) nologging; create index t_log_with_idx_n1 on t_log_with_idx(c1) ; create index t_nolog_with_idx_n1 on t_nolog_with_idx(c1) ; ---------------------------------------------- -- case 1: noarchive log mode + no_index select name, log_mode from v$database; -- NOARCHIVELOG truncate table t_log_no_idx; truncate table t_log_with_idx; truncate table t_nolog_no_idx; truncate table t_nolog_with_idx; exec tpack.begin_session_snapshot; insert into t_log_no_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_log_no_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_nolog_no_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; col type format a6 col item format a30 col deltas format a30 select type, item, deltas from table(tpack.session_snapshot_report) where type = 'STAT' and item in ('redo size', 'redo entries') ; ---------------------------------------------- -- case 2: noarchive log mode + with_index select name, log_mode from v$database; truncate table t_log_no_idx; truncate table t_log_with_idx; truncate table t_nolog_no_idx; truncate table t_nolog_with_idx; exec tpack.begin_session_snapshot; insert into t_log_with_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_log_with_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_nolog_with_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; commit; col type format a6 col item format a30 col deltas format a30 select type, item, deltas from table(tpack.session_snapshot_report) where type = 'STAT' and item in ('redo size', 'redo entries') ; ----------------------------------------------- -- alter database to archive log mode connect sys/password as sysdba shutdown immediate startup mount alter database archivelog; alter database open; connect user/password ---------------------------------------------- -- case 3: archive log mode + no_index select name, log_mode from v$database; -- ARCHIVELOG truncate table t_log_no_idx; truncate table t_log_with_idx; truncate table t_nolog_no_idx; truncate table t_nolog_with_idx; exec tpack.begin_session_snapshot; insert into t_log_no_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_log_no_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_nolog_no_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; col type format a6 col item format a30 col deltas format a30 select type, item, deltas from table(tpack.session_snapshot_report) where type = 'STAT' and item in ('redo size', 'redo entries') ; ---------------------------------------------- -- case 4: archive log mode + with_index select name, log_mode from v$database; truncate table t_log_no_idx; truncate table t_log_with_idx; truncate table t_nolog_no_idx; truncate table t_nolog_with_idx; exec tpack.begin_session_snapshot; insert into t_log_with_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_log_with_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; insert /*+ append */ into t_nolog_with_idx select 'x' from dual connect by level <= 100000; exec tpack.add_session_snapshot; commit; col type format a6 col item format a30 col deltas format a30 select type, item, deltas from table(tpack.session_snapshot_report) where type = 'STAT' and item in ('redo size', 'redo entries') ;Redo Size의 측정 결과를 정리해보면 아래 표와 같습니다.
간단하게 정리해보면 다음과 같네요.
이 외에 Direct Path Insert에서 헷갈려하시는 내용들에는 다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다.
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